conceived by

Boris Charmatz


I can never forget those burning moments...

We came in the spring to present 20 Dancers for the 20th Century and even more…
We came in the fall to present our impromptu Ring my bell...
So now we have two seasons left to put ourselves in unison with Vivaldi and the fragile climate of Europe in tension... 11th

The Centre Pompidou-Metz is famous for its architecture designed by Shigeru Ban; but Chiara Parisi has brought our attention to a strange, vacant, somewhat neglected area called the Northern Triangle. Slippery cobblestones and vegetation sprouting unhindered from pockmarked soil create a landscape like something from Tarkovsky’s Stalker... We picture joining forces in a raw, bundled-up performance, and dancing on that site whatever it takes. We know that Singing in the Rain is the best dance film of all time, and that the best rock festivals take place in the mud, so... bundle up to your ears — and once you’re all bundled up, add another layer.

During this open-air performative experiment, Marion Barbeau will dash into wild grass; a poem by Christophe Tarkos will serve as our dance lesson; punk dancer Frank Willens will improvise in the industrial ruins; I will dance a duet with Emmanuelle Huynh to Ravel’s Bolero in extreme conditions... and we will all dance like mad to warm our feet in the mud to the sound of a DJ transformed into a mole by Philippe Quesne.

The Centre Pompidou-Metz is a place where visitors can enjoy themselves looking at works of art or artists in action. And from time to time, they can even get their shirts wet, which is not devoid of beauty—
A WINTER of the dance... Are you in?

Boris Charmatz


Emmitouflé includes

Tarkos Training 
A workshop by Boris Charmatz
Text : Christophe Tarkos, « Hauteur » (Oui, 1996, Ecrits poétiques © P.O.L Editeur, 2008)
The performance was first created in 2033-2044 in the Semnoz pass (Haute-Savoie) with the artists and students from temporary nomadic school Bocal, and filmed by César Vayssié for Tarkos Training (2005).

Solo from Levée des conflits
Conceived by Boris Charmatz
Performed by Marion Barbeau
Music : improvisations from Jean-Sébastien Bach by violonist Amandine Beyer 
Based on Levée des conflits, choreography by Boris Charmatz, created in 2010

by Frank Willens

boléro 2
Conceived by Odile Duboc, Françoise Michel
Performed by : Boris Charmatz, Emmanuelle Huynh
Sound material : Boléro de Maurice Ravel (Orchestre symphonique of RAI Milano directed by Sergiu Celibidache)
boléro 2 is an excerpt from the piece trois boléros, choreographed by Odile Duboc, created in 1996.

The Moles (DJ set)
Conceived by Philippe Quesne / Vivarium Studio
With Erwan Ha Kyoon Larcher (DJ set), Marc Chevillon, Jean-Charles Dumay Costumes : Corinne Petitpierre