Choreography: Boris



I love the idea that choreographic ideas come when you’re lying down when you’re falling asleep when you’re somnolent

I would love to do a somnolent solo inspired by these states of latency and explore hibernation and its end the undertow of daydreams and the scream of awakening

to explore the desire for passivity

and move around in sleep

in this solo I would like to make the work of the mind as visible as possible let it be that which emerges

I wonder why I had never done a solo choreography

when I was little I practiced whistling during every recess so as to imagine an entire whistled concert I whistled mainly classical music

first I imagine an entirely whistled solo made up of melodic reminiscences

and for once I also imagine lights a first draft emergency exits lighting up one after another a sort of drone flying overhead spotlights my movement and probably a potent beam from backstage backlighting that slants downward toward the audience because, in the end, everything moves in their direction

Notes of intent - Boris Charmatz, april 2020

Current Events

Belgrade Dance FestivalBelgrad
14.04., 15.04.2025
Teatro CánovasMálaga
28.05., 29.05.2025

Part of the Project

View Project

Choreographic Assistant

Magali Caillet Gajan


Yves Godin

Light Technician

Germain Fourvel

Costumes in collaboration

Marion Regnier

Rehearsal Director

Martina Hochmuth

Deputy Director

Hélène Joly

With the advice of 

Bertrand Causse

With the advice of 

Médéric Collignon

Vocal training

Dalila Khatir

Stage Management

Fabrice Le Fur

Director of productions

Lucas Chardon

Production commissioner

Jessica Crasnier

Production commissioner

Briac Geffrault

Production and distribution


Musical inspiration

J. S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, B. Eilish, La Panthère Rose, J. Kosma, E. Morricone,
Vogelgesang, G. F. Händel, Stormy Weather, a. o.


9 Nov 2021, Opéra de Lille



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Coproduction: Opéra de Lille – Théâtre Lyriqued’Intérêt National, le phénix - scène nationale de Valenciennes – pôle européen de création, Bonlieu - scène nationale d’Annecy, Charleroi Danse - Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgium), Festival d’Automne à Paris, Festival de Marseille, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Helsinki Festival, Scène nationale d’Orléans, MC93 – Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis (Bobigny), Pavillon ADC (Geneva)


Thanks to: Alban Moraud, Mette Ingvartsen, Iris Ingvartsen Charmatz, Xenia Ingvartsen Charmatz, Florentine Busson


With the support of Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels


With the support of Lafayette Anticipations –Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette, dansle cadre du programme Atelier en résidence


With the participation of the Jeune théâtre national